The Weight Loss Plan

If you're over 30, and finding it difficult to lose weight then you might just be a few strategies, tactics and best practices away from reaching your goal.

This is for women 30 years and over, who are tired of their weight going up and down, hormones running wild, and never reaching their ideal weight or fat loss goals. 

Welcome to SQ1 Fitness, we specialise in Weight Loss for women ages 30 and over.

We are Jai & Kate (husband & wife team), Weight Loss Coaches, Personal Trainers, Life Coaches, Nutrition geeks, fitness enthusiasts, and firm believers that discipline, healthy habits, and an unbreakable mindset can turn your life around—because that's exactly what they did for us, and what we want to do for you. Both Kate and I have lost over 10kgs and kept it off permanently using the same methods we coach our clients through.

Here's how "The Weight Loss Plan" can help you:

  • ✅ Increase Your Metabolism: It's harder to lose weight over the age of 30 when your metabolism slows down. The first thing we'll show you is how to speed up your metabolism so you can start burning more fat with some simple daily steps. One very simple and overlooked strategy is increasing water intake. This has a direct effect on your digestive system and metabolism, helping you eliminate toxins, water retention, and body fat.

  • ✅ Feed your body what it needs: Most adult diets include about 15% protein. This is around half of what you actually need for your body to burn fat and your metabolism to function properly. When you get your macronutrients balanced out correctly, you body responds with fat loss. We'll set you up with a diet plan where you can still enjoy your favourite foods and eat meals with the family, while burning fat and balancing your macros. (This is not an elimination diet.)

  • ✅ More Effective Workout Routines: Resistance training has proven over time to be the best form of exercise for fat loss and toning the body. Our fat loss resistance training program will help you to start toning and shaping up your body, with full body workouts using a combination of bodyweight and weights and customised for your home or current gym.

Book a 15-Minute Strategy call with a Weight Loss Specialist to get The Weight Loss Plan 

On this fast-paced call, we'll:

1. Take a look at your current situation to see what is/isn't working.

2. Identify what's possible for you in the next 90 days and beyond.

3. Uncover the #1 bottleneck restricting your progress and holding you back from your goal.

4. Develop a 3-Step Action Plan that will get you results with your weight loss ASAP.


The Weight Loss Plan is free. We're happy to help. Why would we give our time away like this? We know that when we share information like this, some people love our approach so much that they ask for our help to implement the strategies we come up with together.

If that's you, great. If that's not you, no problem at all, you'll walk away with a clear plan that you can implement on your own. But the only way to get an awesome weight loss plan that works is to choose a time above, and jump on a call together.

So choose a day and time on this page, and together we'll build an incredible plan to get you burning fat and get in shape. 

Check out our clients results!


"I started working with Jai and Kate to lose weight and build some strength. I lost 20kgs on their program."


"Kate and Jai helped me with their coaching and challenges to lose the post-baby weight and feel like myself again."


"Over 10kgs down so far with Kate's online 1-on-1 coaching program. If you want to get healthy definitely check out SQ1 Fitness!"


We have an amazing track record of testimonials and transformations because we have the BLUEPRINT that works for all of our clients who follow it!


There's a daily process to transformation. Building the habits over time leads to amazing results in your body, health, confidence and overall lifestyle.


Life changing transformations are happening everyday! And our client results are incredible. Join our weight loss coaching program today to see what is possible for you!